The Wild Ride That Was “Buy in July”


This post contains a large amount of video and photos

When we partnered with the Cleveland Indians earlier this year, we knew it would be special. Not only because we’re huge fans, but because it gave us something to share with our customers. Our customers LOVE this team, so why not add an incentive to an already passionate, hard-working, deserving fan base. With this year being our 15th anniversary as a company, the present time in Indians history provided us with the perfect moment to offer this promotion. The Indians won 14 in a row last year, it was incredibly plausible to us that they could win 15 in a row this year. So began our journey…


Get the word out!!!






We Had Our Naysayers


But Then….Something Magical Happened…

15 in a row!!! WWWWWWWWWindians!!!!

Suddenly, Everybody Was Taking About It…

This story was featured on:

…Just to name a few!

This promotion has done what we hoped it would do, it brought genuine joy to our customers:








We would like to congratulate, and thank everyone who participated. We want to thank ALL of our customers for their business, and continued loyalty. We truly would not be here without you!

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